And the Journey to Ghana begins...
By Claire Barry

flight attendant checking my bags summed up exactly how I feel right
now - as she looked at my boarding pass to tell me I would collect my
bags when I arrive in Accra, she stopped mid-sentence, turned her head
to the side and opened her eyes really wide. Once she regained composure
I asked her what had happened and if she was perhaps making that face
because of my flights, to which she replied yes.
I am first taking a seven hour flight to London, then have a four hour
layover, and finally another seven hour flight to Accra. But then I'll
be there! And since this first flight is overnight I figure I'll be able
to sleep some and then continue napping on the second flight.
nerves and anxiety of traveling to another country for four and a half
months finally hit me as I was descending the escalator to my gate. I
thought, wait, what am I doing? Is this really want I want to do?
But I know the answers to those questions and those answers calm the nerves as I wait in the airport for the first flight.
- Reposted from Claire's blog -
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